티스토리 뷰


[slack] mention & text formatting

승가비 2022. 9. 30. 06:58



Tips for Formatting Slack Messages

You can format Slack messages in Zaps to add styling, user mentions, and channel and workspace notifications.



  • Bold text: wrap your text with asterisks (*).
  • Italic text: wrap your text with underscores (_).
  • Strikethrough text: wrap your text with tildes (~).


  • Wrap the name of the emoji in colons (:).

Mentions and notifications

  • User mentions: type an open angle bracket, the at symbol (@), the user’s Slack member ID (see below how to find the member ID), and a closing angle bracket.
  • “Everyone” notification (notifies everyone in your workspace in the #general channel): type an open angle bracket, an exclamation point (!), “everyone”, and a closing angle bracket.
  • “Here” notification (notifies active members in a specific channel): type an open angle bracket, an exclamation point (!), “here”, and a closing angle bracket.
  • “User group” notification (notifies all members of a user group): type an open angle bracket, an exclamation point (!), type in “subteam” , a caret symbol (^), the user group ID (see below how to find the group ID), and a closing angle bracket.