The days are long but the decades are short I turned 30 last week and a friend asked me if I'd figured out any life advice in the past decade worth passing on. I'm somewhat hesitant to publish this because I think these lists usually seem...
gzip filename.txt How to convert txt to .gz / .z in Linux In Linux, how to convert txt to .gz / .z and how to view that converted tar file? I tried the command below, but it is not working. tar -cf filename.z filename.txt tar -cf filebane.gz filename.tx...
[*.{kt,kts}] disabled_rules = import-ordering Android Studio does not rearrange import in lexicographic order Given the following imports import javax.inject.Inject import* Android Studio rearrange to the following when pressing control + option + .. @Transactional 상태에서 Exception이 발생했을 때 Rollback 동작 과정 @Transactional 어노테이션을 통해 트랜잭션을 선언하고 메서드 내부 로직을 짜던 중 '트랜잭션 안에서 발생하는 예외와 그 예외를 처리하는 방법에 따라 어떻게 롤백이 되는지'에 대한 개념이 명확 How do you get current active/default Environment profile programmatically in Spring? I need to code different logic based on different current Environment profile. How can you get the currently active and default profiles from Spring? h..
v=asdf lower=$(echo "$v" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') upper=$(echo "$v" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') Bash Shell - 대문자, 소문자로 변환 (Uppercase, Lowercase) Bash shell에서 알파벳으로 구성된 문자열을 대문자(Uppercase)로 변경하거나 소문자(Lowercase)로 변환하는 방법을 소개합니다. 문자열 오른쪽에 `^^`를 붙이면 문자열이 모두 대문자로 변환됩니다. 그
brew install openjdk@17 p=~/.zshrc java_home=/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk@17 if ! grep -q "export JAVA_HOME=${java_home}" ${p}; then echo "export JAVA_HOME=${java_home}" >> ${p} else echo "already exists 'JAVA_HOME'" fi if ! grep -q "export PATH=\${JAVA_HOME}/bin:\${PATH}" ${p}; then echo "export PATH=\${JAVA_HOME}/bin:\${PATH}" >> ${p} else echo "already exists 'PATH'" fi rm -rf ~/java ln -s jdk-1..
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