@Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING)https://pamyferret.tistory.com/6 [ Enum ] JPA로 enum name 그대로 DB에 저장하기(@Enumerated)최근에 Enum을 이렇게도 저렇게도 사용해보게 되었다. 그 동안 회사 프로젝트에서는 왜 사용을 안 했는지 정말 후회되는 Enum... 나 처럼 enum을 처음 사용해보는 사람은 JPA를 사용할 때 entity에 enum cpamyferret.tistory.comimport javax.persistence.EnumType;...public class Order { ... @Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING) // 또는 @Enumerated(EnumType.STRI..
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT categories ORDER BY categories ASC SEPARATOR ' ') FROM table https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3083499/mysql-distinct-on-a-group-concat MySQL DISTINCT on a GROUP_CONCAT()I am doing SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(categories SEPARATOR ' ') FROM table. Sample data below: categories ---------- test1 test2 test3 test4 test1 test3 test1 test3 However, I am getting test1 test2 test3..
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70215736/kotlin-spring-boot-bean-validation-not-working Kotlin Spring Boot bean validation not workingI have quite a few projects that is slowly being migrated from Java to Kotlin, but I'm facing a problem when changing from Java POJO to Kotlin data classes. Bean validation stops working in RESTstackoverflow.com
@RestController@Validated // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28150405/validation-of-a-list-of-objects-in-spring Validation of a list of objects in SpringI have the following controller method: @RequestMapping(value="/map/update", method=RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8") @ResponseBody public ResponseEntityWrapperstackoverflow.com
sudo nginx -s stophttps://serverfault.com/questions/141975/how-to-stop-nginx-on-mac-os-x How to stop nginx on Mac OS XI've installed and configured nginx server on my Mac from MacPorts sudo port install nginx Followed the recommendation from the port installation console and created the launchd startup item for n...serverfault.com
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