티스토리 뷰


[kotlin] remove trail slash

승가비 2022. 11. 18. 13:52
    fun removeTrailSlash(s: String): String {
        return s.replace(Regex("/$"), "")

    fun String.removeTrailSlash(): String {
        return CommonUtil.removeTrailSlash(this)
    fun removeTrailSlash() {
        // given
        val expected = "asdf/qwer"
        val s = "$expected/"
        // when
        val actual = CommonUtil.removeTrailSlash(s)
        // then
        assertEquals(expected, actual)
    fun removeTrailSlash() {
        // given
        val expected = "asdf/qwer"
        val s = "$expected/"
        // when
        val actual = s.removeTrailSlash()
        // then
        Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual)



Remove a trailing slash from a string(changed from url type) in JAVA

I want to remove the trailing slash from a string in Java. I want to check if the string ends with a url, and if it does, i want to remove it. Here is what I have: String s = "http://almaden.ib...




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