### MR Map Reduce 반복하는 과정 Disk I/O ### Tez DAG(비동기 사이클 그래프) stage(map + reduce) stage 가 나뉘지 않는 작업에는 속도 향상 기대가 어렵다. (mapper only) SET hive.execution.engine = tez; https://snowturtle93.github.io/posts/Tez%EA%B0%80-MR%EB%B3%B4%EB%8B%A4-%EB%B9%A0%EB%A5%B8%EC%9D%B4%EC%9C%A0/ Tez가 MR보다 빠른이유. 1.Tez와 MapReduce의 동작 차이. snowturtle93.github.io https://gyuhoonk.github.io/hive-merge-query Merge Files in HDFS..
collection.forEachIndexed { index, element -> // ... } https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48898102/how-to-get-the-current-index-in-for-each-kotlin How to get the current index in for each Kotlin How to get the index in a for each loop? I want to print numbers for every second iteration For example for (value in collection) { if (iteration_no % 2) { //do something } } In ja... stackoverflow.com
fun insertOverwrite(target: String, db: DB, table: Table, partition: String, columns: List) { execute( """ INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ${db.name}.${table.name} PARTITION ($partition) SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(1) */ ${columns.concat(ConstUtil.COMMA)} FROM $target """.trimIndent() ) } https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46932373/how-to-consolidate-results-of-a-spark-sql-query-to-avoid-lots-of-small-files-..
fun camelToSnake(camel: String): String { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(camel)) { return "" } var result = camel[0].lowercase() for (i in 1 until camel.length) { val t = camel[i] if (t.isUpperCase()) { result += "_" } result += t.lowercase() } return result } https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convert-camel-case-string-to-snake-case-in-java/ Convert camel case string to snake case in Java - GeeksforGeeks A..
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) P. Saint-Andre Request for Comments: 6648 Cisco Systems, Inc. BCP: 178 D. Crocker Category: Best Current Practice Brandenburg InternetWorking ISSN: 2070-1721 M. Nottingham Rackspace June 2012 Deprecating the "X-" Prefix and Similar Constructs in Application Protocols Abstract Historically, designers and implementers of application protocols have often disti..
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41114875/how-to-get-today-1-day-date-in-sparksql/73711441#73711441 How to get today -"1 day" date in sparksql? How to get current_date - 1 day in sparksql, same as cur_date()-1 in mysql. stackoverflow.com SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(), -1), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({'X': [0, 1, 2], 'Y': [3, 4, 5]}, index=['A', 'B', 'C']) print(df) # X Y # A 0 3 # B 1 4 # C 2 5 print(df.T) # A B C # X 0 1 2 # Y 3 4 5 https://note.nkmk.me/en/python-pandas-t-transpose/ pandas: Transpose DataFrame (swap rows and columns) | note.nkmk.me Use the T attribute or the transpose() method to swap (= transpose) the rows and columns of pandas.DataFr..
CREATE DATABASE testDB; USE testDB; CREATE TABLE userTable ( userID CHAR(12) NOT NULL birthYear INT NOT NULL ) PARTITION BY RANGE(birthYear) ( PARTITION part1 VALUE LESS THAN (1970), PARTITION part2 VALUE LESS THAN (1980), PARTITION part3 VALUE LESS THAN (1990), PARTITION part4 VALUE LESS THAN MAXVALUE ); https://jaehoney.tistory.com/62 MySQL - 파티션(Partition), 테이블 분할 파티션(Partition)이란 ? 크기가 큰 테이블..
https://pks2974.medium.com/jenkins-%EC%99%80-docker-%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%AC%EA%B3%A0-aws-cli-%EC%82%BD%EC%A7%88%EA%B8%B0-%EC%A0%95%EB%A6%AC%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0-e728986960e2 FROM python:3.10.6 as app ENV TZ=Asia/Seoul RUN pip install awscli WORKDIR /app COPY static/ /app/static/
1. Absence of a Global Clock 2. Absence of Shared Memory https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/limitation-of-distributed-system/ Limitation of Distributed System - GeeksforGeeks A Computer Science portal for geeks. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. www.geeksforgeek..
val msg = MimeMessage( Session.getDefaultInstance( props, object : Authenticator() { override fun getPasswordAuthentication(): PasswordAuthentication { return PasswordAuthentication(ID, PW) } } ) ) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6610572/javax-mail-authenticationfailedexception-failed-to-connect-no-password-specifi javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: failed to connect, no password spec..
import json json.loads(my_bytes_value) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40059654/python-convert-a-bytes-array-into-json-format Python - Convert a bytes array into JSON format I want to parse a bytes string in JSON format to convert it into python objects. This is the source I have: my_bytes_value = b'[{\'Date\': \'2016-05-21T21:35:40Z\', \'CreationDate\': \'2012-05-05\'... stackoverflow.com
https://github.com/psf/black/issues/3111 cannot import name 'ParameterSource' from 'click.core' · Issue #3111 · psf/black Installed multiple times on different project. Latest version( 22.3.0) gives the following error when lunched ImportError: cannot import name 'ParameterSource' from 'click.core' (/u... github.com
RUN: docker image build 시점에 실행 CMD: docker container 최초 실행 ENTRYPOINT: docker container 최초 실행 차이점에 대해서 설명부터 드려보면 ENTRYPOINT는 항상 실행이 되고, CMD는 docker run 명령어를 실행할 때, 변경이 가능합니다. https://seokhyun2.tistory.com/61 [Docker] RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT 차이점 도커파일 작성 시에, 사용할 수 있는 명령어 중에 실행하는 것과 관련된 명령어는 RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT 세 가지가 있습니다. 세 명령어에 대한 차이점을 예시와 함께 확인해보도록 하겠습니다. 1. RUN seokhyun2.tistory.com 위 Dockerfile의..
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