Airflow에서 Jinja template 사용하기 Airflow에서는 Jinja2 template를 내장하고 있어 이를 활용할 수 있는데, Jinja2 template에 대한 자세한 내용은 Jinja Document를 참고하기 바란다. Jinja2 template를 활용할 수 있 yesterday = date_utils.date_to_string(kwargs['logical_date'].in_timezone("Asia/Seoul")) today = date_utils.add_date(yesterday, 1) When to execute REFRESH TABLE my_table in spark? Consider a code; import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc._ import org.apache.spark.sql._ val path = ... val dataFrame:DataFramew = ... val hiveContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(
SELECT column FROM table AS T1 INNER JOIN Params AS P1 ON T1.column LIKE '%' + P1.param + '%'; Dynamic Like Statement in SQL I've been racking my brain on how to do this for a while, and i know that some genius on this site will have the answer. Basically i'm trying to do this: SELECT column FROM table WHERE [tabl... stack.. How to set Spark job staging location My spark job is failing because the user doesn't have access to directory where spark is trying to write staging or temp dataset. 2017-03-10 10:25:47,0928 ERROR JniCommon fs/client/fileclient...
f"{{{{jinja}}}}_{python}" Use Python f-strings and Jinja at the same time I am trying to write a concise SQL query string in Python, to make use of both f-strings and Jinja at the same time. Background info: I am writing a query used in Airflow. This did not work: query_...
spark.sql("refresh TABLE schema.table") Spark: refresh Delta Table in S3 how can I run the refresh table command on a Delta Table in S3? When I do deltatable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, "s3a://test-bucket/delta_table/") spark.catalog.refreshTable(deltatable) ...
deactivate How to leave/exit/deactivate a Python virtualenv I'm using virtualenv and the virtualenvwrapper. I can switch between virtualenv's just fine using the workon command. me@mymachine:~$ workon env1 (env1)me@mymachine:~$ workon env2 (env2)me@mymachin...
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(event_time, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'") event_time convert timestamp format to iso time format in pyspark I have a pyspark dataframe that has a field, time, that has timestamps in two formats, "11-04-2019,00:32:13" and "2019-12-05T07:57:16.000Z" How can I convert all the timesta.. Pipeline Syntax Scripted Pipeline, like Declarative Pipeline, is built on top of the underlying Pipeline sub-system. Unlike Declarative, Scripted Pipeline is effectively a general-purpose DSL built with Groovy. Most functionality provided by the Groovy language is made av [Jenkins] Pipeline .. 좌충우돌 Terraform 입문기 | 우아한형제들 기술블로그 {{}} 안녕하세요, 저는 신사업부문의 오지산이라고 합니다. 저희 신사업부문은 배달의민족과는 조금 다른… 시장의 문제를 해결하기 위해 다양한 신규 서비스들이 개발되는 곳입니다. 그
mongosh use admin db.createUser({ user: "user" , pwd: "1234", roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ] }) use metadata db.createCollection("product") # mongodb://user:1234@localhost:27017/metadata Connect to a specific database by default in mongodb I am running a mongodb on a linux box. .. How to add a constant column in a Spark DataFrame? I want to add a column in a DataFrame with some arbitrary value (that is the same for each row). I get an error when I use withColumn as follows: dt.withColumn('new_column', 10).head(5) ---------...
def my_func(a, *args, **kwargs): saved_args = locals() print("saved_args is", saved_args) local_var = 10 print("saved_args is", saved_args) print("But locals() is now", locals()) my_func(20, 30, 40, 50, kwarg1='spam', kwarg2='eggs') saved_args is {'a': 20, 'args': (30, 40, 50), 'kwargs': {'kwarg1': u'spam', 'kwarg2': u'eggs'}} saved_args is {'a': 20, 'args': (30, 40, 50), 'kwargs': {'kwarg1': u'..
import inspect arg_keys = inspect.getfullargspec({method})[0] >>> def foo(a, b, c=4, *arglist, **keywords): pass >>> inspect.getfullargspec(foo) (['a', 'b', 'c'], 'arglist', 'keywords', (4,)) How to get method parameter names? Given the Python function: def a_method(arg1, arg2): pass How can I extract the number and nam..
// package.json { "type": "module" } SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module I've got an ApolloServer project that's giving me trouble, so I thought I might update it and ran into issues when using the latest Babel. My "index.js" is: require('dotenv').config() imp... stackoverf..
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