In airflow, is there a good way to call another dag's task? I've got dag_prime and dag_tertiary. dag_prime: Scans through a directory and intends to call dag_tertiary on each one. Currently a PythonOperator. dag_tertiary: Scans through the directory p... Airflow Task failure/retry workflow I have retry logic for tasks and it's not clear how Airflow handles task failures when retries are turned on. Their documentation just states that on_failure_callback gets triggered when a task fa... [failover] .. [log4j] SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. 에러 log4j2 를 버전업 하는데 다음의 문제가 발생한다. build.gradle (Gradle로 설정) ... implementation group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j', name: 'log4j-core', version: "2.17.1" implementation group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j', name: 'log4j-api'
message = "" if len(l) > 0: title = TableauService._title(TABLEAU["SERVER_URL"], l[0]["view"]) link = "".join([f"" for x in l]) message = title + "\n" + link slack_token, slack_channel, message ) ### permission - read: links - write: links Slack Bot으로 파일 여러 개 업로드 하기 - Pando's Blog Slack Bot으로 파일 여러 개 업로드하기 ndj..
SHOW CREATE TABLE db.table AS SERDE Error in performing 'show create table' OpenCSV Serde Hive Table in Databricks I have created a table with OpenCSV Serde in Databricks below DDL :- CREATE TABLE db_name.table_name( col1 String, col2 String) ROW FORMAT SERD..
- pipe: atlassian/aws-s3-deploy:1.1.0 variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} S3_BUCKET: bucket_name/a/b/c/d LOCAL_PATH: bucket_name/a/b/c/d DELETE_FLAG: 'true' EXTRA_ARGS: '--exclude=e/* --exclude=e/f/*' Excl..
for word in "$@"; do echo $word; done Accessing bash command line args $@ vs $* In many SO questions and bash tutorials I see that I can access command line args in bash scripts in two ways: $ ~ >cat #!/bin/bash echo "you passed me" $* echo "you passed me" $@
[*.{kt,kts}] disabled_rules = import-ordering Android Studio does not rearrange import in lexicographic order Given the following imports import javax.inject.Inject import* Android Studio rearrange to the following when pressing control + option + .. Hive 테이블 문제점 및 대체제 알아보기 Hudi vs Iceberge vs delta lake 이해하고 비교해보기 이전 글에서 HQL을 사용해보았고 Compaction에 대해 포스팅을 할려고 했으나 compaction 시 에로사항이 많아서 포스팅을 하지 못한다고 판단하였고 대신에, hive 테이블의 문제점과 대체제에 대해 알아 Apache Hudi vs Delta Lake vs Apache Iceberg - Lakeho..
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