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Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown - LeetCode

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown - You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day. Find the maximum profit you can achieve. You may complete as many transactions as you like (i.e., buy one and sell o



class Solution:
    def maxProfit(self, prices: List[int]) -> int:
        def f(i, buy, prices, size, dp):
            if i >= size:
                return 0
            if dp[i][buy] != -1:
                return dp[i][buy]
            if buy == True:
                dp[i][buy] = max(
                        -prices[i] + f(i+1, False, prices, size, dp),
                        0 + f(i+1, True, prices, size, dp)
                return dp[i][buy]

            dp[i][buy] = max(
                        prices[i] + f(i+2, True, prices, size, dp),
                        0 + f(i+1, False, prices, size, dp)
            return dp[i][buy]
        size = len(prices)
        dp = []
        for i in range(size):
                True: -1,
                False: -1

        return f(0, True, prices, size, dp)

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