if (v is List) { https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44098780/how-to-check-instanceof-class-in-kotlin How to check "instanceof " class in kotlin? In kotlin class, I have method parameter as object (See kotlin doc here ) for class type T. As object I am passing different classes when I am calling method. In Java we can able to compare class u... stackoverflow.com
fun ip(): String { val socket = Socket() socket.connect(InetSocketAddress("google.com", 80)) val ip = socket.localAddress.hostAddress socket.close() return ip } https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9481865/getting-the-ip-address-of-the-current-machine-using-java Getting the IP address of the current machine using Java I am trying to develop a system where there are different nodes that are run on..
https://falaner.tistory.com/79 [플러터 오류] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema 해결하기 - flutter doctor 터미널에 flutter doctor 를 입력하면 다음과 같이 현재 설치 환경에 대한 정보를 확인할 수 있다. 위 사진을 보면 한가지 부분에 [!] 가 되어 있는 것을 볼 수 있고 위 부분에 대한 것은 ' falaner.tistory.com
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cd ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/AndroidStudio/ch-0/221.6008.13.2211.9514443/Android Studio.app/Contents sudo ln -s jbr jre https://velog.io/@wey/Flutter-Unable-to-find-bundled-Java-version Flutter Unable to find bundled Java version Flutter Doctor Java 위치 문제 해결 velog.io
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67354788/how-to-get-flutter-sdk-path-after-installing-using-homebrew How to get Flutter SDK path after installing using Homebrew Installed flutter using homebrew: https://formulae.brew.sh/cask/flutter#default I can't find the SDK Path, tried copy and pasting this: 1./opt/homebrew/Caskroom/flutter/2.0.5/flutter/bin/internal/s... stackoverflow.com
try: ... except Exception as e: print(e.message) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4690600/python-exception-message-capturing python exception message capturing import ftplib import urllib2 import os import logging logger = logging.getLogger('ftpuploader') hdlr = logging.FileHandler('ftplog.log') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(m... stackoverflow.com
from random import * i = randint(1, 100) # 1부터 100 사이의 임의의 정수 print(i) f = random() # 0부터 1 사이의 임의의 float print(f) f = uniform(1.0, 36.5) # 1부터 36.5 사이의 임의의 float print(f) i = randrange(1, 101, 2) # 1부터 100 사이의 임의의 짝수 print(i) i = randrange(10) # 0부터 9 사이의 임의의 정수 print(i) http://pythonstudy.xyz/python/article/509-%EB%82%9C%EC%88%98-random 예제로 배우는 파이썬 프로그래밍 - 난수 (random) 난수 (random) 파이썬에서 난수(rand..
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53531830/the-methods-raisedbutton-isnt-defined The methods 'RaisedButton' isn't defined I created a new project and wrote some code in visual studio code. Here is my source code : import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class Raisedbutton extends StatelessWidget { Widget stackoverflow.com
CREATE DATABASE airflow; CREATE USER 'admin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON airflow.* TO admin@'%'; https://bcdragonfly.tistory.com/27 [Django] _mysql' is not defined 호환에러 해결하기 [파이썬 장고] _mysql' is not defined 호환에러 해결하기 [Django] _mysql' is not defined 호환에러 해결하기 [Python Django] _mysql' is not defined 호환에러 해결하기 #ERROR version_info, _mysql.version_info, _mysql.__file__ NameE bcdr..
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i match { case 1 => println("January") case 2 => println("February") case 3 => println("March") case 4 => println("April") case 5 => println("May") case 6 => println("June") case 7 => println("July") case 8 => println("August") case 9 => println("September") case 10 => println("October") case 11 => println("November") case 12 => println("December") // catch the default with a variable so you can..
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# 설치 후 재부팅 필수 https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow-providers/packages-ref.html#providers-packages-reference Providers packages reference — apache-airflow-providers Documentation airflow.apache.org pip3 install apache-airflow-providers-airbyte pip3 install apache-airflow-providers-alibaba pip3 install apache-airflow-providers-amazon pip3 install apache-airflow-providers-apache-beam[goog..
CREATE TABLE fruits( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR NOT NULL ); https://semtax.tistory.com/15 PostgreSQL에서 AUTO INCREMENT 사용하기 개요 이번 문서에서는 mysql에 있는 AUTO INCREMENT와 유사한 기능을 PostgreSQL에서는 어떻게 사용하는지 알아 보도록 하겠다. PostgreSQL Serial Type PostgreSQL에서는 auto increment가 지원이 되는 Sequence 라는 타 semtax.tistory.com
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